These pages are devoted to the exchange of historic and genealogic information on the following surnames:

Flatters, Guertin (dit Le Sabotier), Hester, Moore

Flatters     From Bourne, Lincolnshire to Aylmer, Quebec.

Joseph Tye Flatters, a professional photographer, emigrated to Canada in the 1870's settling in Aylmer, Quebec. He was here less that 15 years when he was shot while employed as a Special Constable in June 1885. He died 3 weeks later from poisoning at age 44, leaving my grandmother fatherless at 4 months of age, as well as 10 other children aged 19 and under.
I've included older generations as I know them. Please contribute corrections, additions, etc.

Guertin    A member of La Grande Recrue de 1653.

Louis Guertin signed on with Monsieur de Maisonneuve to reinforce the struggling outpost of Villemarie on the island of Montréal. A shoe- or boot maker, he also fought against the repeated attacks of the Iroquois while trying to work and subsistance farm. He decided to stay in Canada after his 5-year enlistment ended and with his wife Elisabeth LeCamus had 11 children. The vast majority of the thousands of Guertins now in North America descend from Louis and Elisabeth.

Hester    Wife of the Flatters above!

Henry Hester married Catherine Pretty in Edenham in 1830. That's as far back as I go (Thanks to Liz Exton!)

Moore     From the US when Canada West was opened for settlement.

Britain finally allowed Canada West (i.e. Upper Canada, Ontario, west of the Ottawa River) to be opened up for settlement in the late-1790's, after surveying was complete. Also, in Canada East ( i.e Lower Canada, Quebec, etc.) all lands outside the Seigneuries was declared as Crown Land and also made available to agents. Dudley Moore, his wife Sarah Milks and 8 children move north. Two children and a grandson become lumbermen in the Outaouis.

Copyright © 1996-1999 by Dennis Guertin. All rights reserved.